Ep. 14- “Soul Ties-Pt. 2” In this episode, Dr. Joseph L. Williams discusses: The concept of a soul tie Are soul ties Godly? Tune in so you can learn more about “The Journey Life with Dr. Joe!” If you desire to ask a question for a future episode, please send your question to askdrjoe@formyjourney.com
Read more →Servings: Makes 6 servings. Ingredients •6 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves (about 1-1/2 pounds total •1/4 cup olive oil •6 cloves garlic, minced •1 tablespoon finely shredded lemon peel •2 teaspoon snipped fresh thyme •1 teaspoon snipped fresh rosemary •1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper •1/4 teaspoon salt •1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper •Fresh thyme sprigs (optional) Lemon wedges (optional) Directions 1. Place chicken in a re-sealable plastic bag set in a shallow bowl. For marinade, in a small bowl, combine oil, garlic, lemon peel, the snipped thyme, rosemary, crushed red pepper, salt, and black pepper. Pour marinade over chicken. Seal bag; turn to coat chicken. Marinate in the refrigerator for 2 to 4 hours, turning bag occasionally. 2. Drain chicken, discarding marinade. Place chicken on the rack of an uncovered grill directly over medium coals. Grill for 12 to 15 minutes or until chicken is no longer pink (170 degrees F), turning once halfway through grilling. If desired, garnish with fresh thyme sprigs and lemon wedges. Makes 6 servings. Nutrition information Per serving: Calories 188, Total Fat 8 g, Saturated Fat 1 g, Cholesterol 66 mg, Sodium 132 mg, Carbohydrate 1 g, Fiber 0 g, Protein 26 g. Exchanges: Fat 1. Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet
Read more →Ingredients •1 pound broccoli •1 small head cauliflower (about 1-1/4 pounds) •9 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil; more as needed •Kosher salt •1 small red onion, thinly sliced • large pinch dried red chile flakes; more to taste pinch •saffron threads, crumbled •1/2 teaspoon yellow mustard seeds •1/2 teaspoon brown or black mustard seeds •4 medium cloves garlic, finely chopped •1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh ginger •1/3 cupchopped fresh cilantro •1 lime, cut into wedges Directions 1. Tear off any broccoli leaves and trim the bottoms of the stems. Cut the florets just above where they join the large stem, and then cut each floret through its stem (but not the buds) so that each piece is about 1/4 inch thick at the stem end. Using a vegetable peeler or paring knife, peel the tough outer skin from the large stem, removing as little flesh as possible. Cut the stem into baton-shaped pieces about 1/4 inch wide and 2 inches long. Cut the core out of the cauliflower to separate the florets, and then cut each floret through its stem so that it’s about 1/4 inch thick at the stem end. Discard the core. 2. Set a 12-inch skillet over high heat. Pour in 3 tablespoons of the olive oil and then add the broccoli florets and stem pieces. Season with salt and carefully add 3/4 cup water. Reduce the heat to medium high and cook, stirring occasionally, until the broccoli is tender and browned in spots, 8 to 10 minutes (If the pan begins to scorch before the broccoli is cooked, add another 1 tablespoon olive oil and reduce the heat a little. If the pan does scorch, rinse and dry the pan before cooking the cauliflower.) Transfer the broccoli to a large bowl. Wipe out the pan and cook […]
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