In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness. -Mahatma Gandi
At the moment of your conception, there was a purpose for you that had been determined long before the miraculous event had even occurred.
Just because we are destined to be something bigger than what we see and know, doesn’t mean it always happens. So many times, people along the way become distracted, lost and consumed with the darkness (anger, fear, destruction and chaos) of this world. We are all created and made from light(love, joy, happiness and peace); however, there are times when we are not existing in the place we were made to permanently reside.
This site was developed to help you on your journey. Although your journey and my journey are not identical, we will experience similar obstacles and joys along the way!
On this Journey you will experience 1) Healing, 2) Transformation, 3)Empowerment, and 4) Expansion.