Archive for the PRESS Category

Atlanta Daily World Article: “Graduate Urges Others to Take ‘The Journey”

Atlanta Daily World Article: "Graduate Urges Others to Take 'The Journey"

Graduate Urges Others to Take ‘The Journey” (Repost from Atlanta Daily Word) Bishop Masters, a media relations consultant, is rejoicing over how much his life has changed during 2012. So are Stephanie Andry, Lynnette Mitchell, Olivia Taylor, Keith Terrell, Rod Holland and nearly 1,000 others who effusively endorse an innovative, spiritually-based health and wellness process called “The Journey” that has transformed their lives. The Journey is a 45-day process of mind, body, and soul transformation that was founded by Atlanta’s Dr. Joseph Williams in 2011. Williams is the dynamic 35-year-old son of the legendary preacher, the Rev. Jasper Williams, and together they pastor Salem Bible Church East and West. Dr. Joseph, as he prefers to be addressed, is a Morehouse Man who has a Master of Divinity from the McAfee School of Theology and a Doctorate of Homiletics from Mercer University in Atlanta. “It is a transformational process that appeals to the total consciousness of all humanity — physical, emotional and spiritual,” says the charismatic Williams, who is also an author, singer and a civil rights public policy proponent. “That’s something that transcends culture, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, religion, race, everything!” The components that comprise the compelling transformative combination, asserts Dr. Joseph, are mind, body and spirit. That consists of a disciplined diet, emotional detoxification and spiritual recalibration. It is a demanding, sobering and substantive experience. “I’ve seen people lose 40 pounds in 40 days,” Williams reports. “I’ve seen people rid themselves of medications. I’ve seen hypertension dissipate in a week. I’ve seen marriages saved. I’ve seen individuals who were on the verge of suicide reverse course. I’ve seen people who have issues with substance abuse, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes become clean. I’ve seen people become more engaged in local ministry.” As a result of these remarkable results, people of note […]

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SCLC Magazine – “Dr. Joseph L. Williams: Raising The Bar On Transformation”

SCLC Magazine - "Dr. Joseph L. Williams: Raising The Bar On Transformation"

Dr. Joseph L. Williams: Raising The Bar On Transformation Atlanta Pastor Reaches On The Inside And The Outside Of The Black Church With Breakthrough Results  (Repost From SCLC Magazine By: Carrie L. Williams) “Remember, we started together – we finish together.” There are no words more inspiring to the twenty-odd participants, and no one more inspiring to deliver them than Dr. Joseph L. Williams their coach, their man of God, and the one person who believes with every breath in his body, in what they will accomplish.  The participants are part of a pilot effort known as “The Journey”, a unique 45-day process of mind, body, and soul transformation that was founded by Dr. Joseph in 2011. Transformation of mind, body, and soul?  Really?  Yes, really. The first empirical results are in. The pilot pre- and post-“Journey” data have been analyzed.   The clinical data gathered  points to “The Journey” organic process transforming one’s mind, body, and soul.  The translation: emotional healing, new eating habits, and consciousness-raising.  It also translates into losing 10 or more pounds for participants. But, as Dr. Joseph emphasizes, “’The Journey’ is not a diet!” “The common goal of ‘Operation Butterfly’ and ‘I Am Legend’ [the two “Journey” programs differing slightly to meet both women and men’s needs] is to take participants on a personal journey of emotional, physical, and spiritual transformation,” explains Williams.  “It is my belief and personal experience that authentic edification of the mind, body, and soul is possible only when the process is viewed as one holistic entity.” And Dr. Joseph wasted no time in accumulating that experience. A passionate people’s pastor, he is also an author, singer, radio talk show host, and a civil rights public policy proponent. A recipient of the Informer Newspaper’s coveted “America’s Top 40 Pastors Under 40” as […]

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HealingThe process of healing can be uncomfortable but crucial to growth. With the help of the Journey, you will address traumatic issues from your past that you have subconsciously avoided. This is the first step towards complete transformation!

Transformation Things that are transformed are changed forever. In this second step, the trans-formation is not a physical one, but rather spiritual and emotional. Transformation occurs when the journeyer sees exactly what ways the darkness has affected them.

EmpowermentWhen you decide to make a conscious change from a world of darkness to one of the light, you will notice many new changes. You will exist on a higher level of consciousness. You will have energy and a newfound, deep, and sustainable relationship with God.

ExpansionAs you grow, change and transform - so will others! Others around you will be affected by the light that exudes from you. It will inspire change for others. Your journey is bigger than you - it will lead to the transformation of others.
